one million million
[网络] 一万亿;一百万个一百万;一百万的两次方
- Common estimates of the numbers of blogs in China range from one million to two million and growing fast.
一般估计中国的博客数量在一百到二百万间,并正在极速增加。 - The first index, we will create one thousand million small business e-commerce platform, we will create one hundred million jobs in the world.
第一个指标,我们将会创造一千万家小企业的电子商务平台,我们要为全世界创造一亿的就业机会。 - As one of developing countries, China has a high incidence of hepatitis B virus infection. There are about one hundred million HBV carriers in our country, including 20 million chronic hepatitis B patients.
我国作为发展中国家,同时也是乙型肝炎的高发区,全国约有1亿乙肝病毒携带者,而慢性乙型肝炎患者更是高达2000万人。 - The applications of the research results have brought considerable economic benefits and social benefits& increase production value by more than one hundred million Yuan ( RMB), and profits tax value over ten million Yuan ( RMB) annually.
研究成果的应用取得了可观的经济效益和社会效益,近年来成果推广新增产值每年超亿元;利税效益每年超千万元。 - The capacity of tailings in China is more than one hundred million tons with several million tons of growth rates every year.
我国尾矿存有量超过百亿吨,且每年以几亿吨的速度增长。 - Britain has promised one hundred fifteen million dollars in aid, with the European Union offering another three hundred million dollars.
英国已经承诺将提供一亿一千五百万美元用于援助,另外欧盟也将援助三千万美元。 - Boreal forests have more wetlands area than anywhere else in the world, with Russia and Canada each containing an estimated one million to two million lakes and ponds.
寒带森林有更多的湿地面积比世界任何其他地方,同俄罗斯和加拿大各包含大约一百万到两百万的湖泊和池塘。 - Today we are reaching about one million people affected by the drought and we hope to reach three million with life saving relief.
到目前为止,我们组织已经救援了约一百万遭受旱灾影响的灾民,我们希望能够在未来把救援对象的数量增加到三百万。 - Associate yourself with those who make one million dollars a year, and you will end up making one million dollars a year.
与每年赚百万美金的人在一起,你最终也会每年赚百万美金。所谓近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 - Now you have nine million League members, and if you neglect the characteristics of youth, probably only one million will support you and eight million will not.